[Unyielding Love]


Basic Info



Level 1 Base Stats
Combat Class/CP 4919
Attack 480
Defense 380
HP 6700
Pierce Rate 70%
Resistance 60%
Regeneration 15%
Crit Chance 75%
Crit Damage 180%
Crit Resistance 70%
Crit Defense 75%
Recovery Rate 110%
Lifesteal 10%

Misc. Info

Title & Name (JP)
Gender Female
Blood Type O
Age 345
Birthday 04/19
Height 169cm
Weight 56kg
CV Yuko Kaida

Grilled Beef with Salt


Dust to Dust | ダスト・トゥ・ダスト
Rank 1 Inflicts damage equal to 25% of the hero's Max HP on one enemy and Lifesteals 30% of the damage dealt.
Rank 2 Inflicts damage equal to 32% of the hero's Max HP on one enemy and Lifesteals 40% of the damage dealt.
Rank 3 Inflicts damage equal to 46% of the hero's Max HP on one enemy and Lifesteals 60% of the damage dealt.
Blood Thorn | ブラッド・ソーン
Rank 1 Inflicts damage equal to 20% of remaining HP to all enemies.
Rank 2 Inflicts damage equal to 25% of remaining HP to all enemies.
Rank 3 Inflicts damage equal to 35% of remaining HP to all enemies.
Vermilion Blossom |
バーミリオン・ブロッサム (1/6)
Increases the hero's HP-Related Stats by 5% for 2 turns, then inflicts damage equal to 50% of the hero's Max HP on one enemy.
Damage: 50/60/70/80/90/100%
HP-Related: 5/10/15/20/25/30%


Undying Love | 不死の愛
Applies Fierce Lifesteal to the hero at the start of the battle, then Breath of Regeneration for 5 turns. Increases basic stats of Demon allies by 30% of the hero's Regeneration Rate, up to 20%. The hero is given the additional race Demon.
In addition, the hero recovers 10% of Max HP and their damage taken decreases by 10%, up to 50% at the start of the allies' turn.
