<Pacifier Fiend>

Magician Chandler

Basic Info



Level 1 Base Stats
Combat Class/CP 4588
Attack 540
Defense 360
HP 8400
Pierce Rate 40%
Resistance 40%
Regeneration 10%
Crit Chance 50%
Crit Damage 150%
Crit Resistance 60%
Crit Defense 20%
Recovery Rate 110%
Lifesteal 10%


Dragon Claw | ドラゴンクロー "竜爪"
Rank 1 Inflicts damage equal to 160% of Attack on one enemy and blocks all skill effects including those of Ultimate Moves for 1 turn(s). (Excludes Stances and Recovery Skills) Debuff
Rank 2 Inflicts damage equal to 240% of Attack on one enemy and blocks all skill effects including those of Ultimate Moves for 1 turn(s). (Excludes Stances and Recovery Skills) Debuff
Rank 3 Inflicts damage equal to 400% of Attack on one enemy and blocks all skill effects including those of Ultimate Moves for 2 turn(s). (Excludes Stances and Recovery Skills) Debuff
Full Counter | フルカウンター "全反撃"
Rank 1 Assumes a Stance for 1 turn(s) which Taunts enemies and inflicts damage equal to 200% of Attack when taking attacks. Increases damage dealt by 50% of damage taken. Stance
Rank 2 Assumes a Stance for 1 turn(s) which Taunts enemies and inflicts damage equal to 300% of Attack when taking attacks. Increases damage dealt by 70% of damage taken. Stance
Rank 2 Assumes a Stance for 2 turn(s) which Taunts enemies and inflicts damage equal to 450% of Attack when taking attacks. Increases damage dealt by 100% of damage taken. Stance
Meteorworks | メテオワークス "隕星" (1/6) Inflicts Charge damage equal to 455% of Attack on all enemies.
Multiplier: 45%


Darkness | ダークネス
Applies an effect which decreases all stats by 7% on enemies who use skills in PVP for 1 turn. (Applies when entering battle, aplies before skill activation, can be stacked)

Holy Relic

Kon's Rune Staff
Removes debuffs from self when using a Stance skill. Decreases damage taken by 30% for 2 turns and increases HP-related stats by 20%.


Misc. Info

Title & Name (JP)
魔術士 チャンドラー
Gender Male
Blood Type B
Age 6000
Birthday 13 Aug
Height 165cm
Weight 150kg
Location -

Seafood Stew