<Boar Hat Tavern>

Master Meliodas

Basic Info



Level 1 Base Stats
Combat Class/CP 2891
Attack 410
Defense 250
HP 4210
Pierce Rate 10%
Resistance 5%
Regeneration 5%
Crit Chance 20%
Crit Damage 160%
Crit Resistance 5%
Crit Defense 20%
Recovery Rate 130%
Lifesteal 0%

Associated with


Triple Strike | トリプル・アタック "三連撃"
Rank 1 Inflicts Weak Point damage equal to 120% of Attack on one enemy. Attack
Rank 2 Inflicts Weak Point damage equal to 180% of Attack on one enemy. Attack
Rank 3 Inflicts Weak Point damage equal to 300% of Attack on one enemy. Attack
Full Counter | フルカウンター "全反撃"
Rank 1 Assumes a Stance for 1 turn(s) and inflicts damage equal to 200% of Attack via counter when attacked. Stance
Rank 2 Assumes a Stance for 1 turn(s) which decreases damage taken by 50% when attacked and inflicts damage equal to 300% of Attack via counter when attacked. Stance
Rank 3 Assumes a Stance for 1 turn(s). Evades once when attacked and inflicts damage equal to 400% of Attack. Stance
Evil Spirit |
イーブルスピリット "魔神の魂" (1/6)
Inflicts Sever damage equal to 560%.
Multiplier: 56%


Master of Alacrity | 快速の酒場のマスター
Increases Crit Chance by 30% at the start of the next turn if the hero doesn't take damage. (Resets upon taking damage)


Misc. Info

Title & Name (JP)
酒場のマスター メリオダス
Gender Male
Blood Type B
Age 3000+
Birthday 25 Jul
Height 152cm
Weight 50kg
Location Pub

Herb Grilled Beef

Honey Pudding