[Flame of Life]

Ultimate Escanor

Basic Info



Level 1 Base Stats
Combat Class/CP 5340
Attack 700
Defense 390
HP 7500
Pierce Rate 90%
Resistance 30%
Regeneration 15%
Crit Chance 110%
Crit Damage 180%
Crit Resistance 70%
Crit Defense 60%
Recovery Rate 105%
Lifesteal 10%


Burning Spear | バーニング・スピア
Rank 1 Inflicts Scorch damage equal to 200% of Attack on one enemy. Attack
Rank 2 Inflicts Scorch damage equal to 300% of Attack on one enemy. Attack
Rank 3 Inflicts Scorch damage equal to 500% of Attack on one enemy. Attack
Crazy Prominence | クレイジー・プロミネンス "暴発する矜持"
Rank 1 Inflicts Overpower damage equal to 120% of Attack on all enemies. Attack
Rank 2 Inflicts Overpower damage equal to 180% of Attack on all enemies. Attack
Rank 3 Inflicts Overpower damage equal to 300% of Attack on all enemies. Attack
Final Prominence |
ファイナル・プロミネンス "終末の業火" (1/6)
Inflicts Immolation damage equal to 500% of Attack on all enemies. When the hero dies, removes all effects, fully depletes the Ultimate Move Gauge, then applies 1 Final Flame. (Survival from other Unique abilities or skills does not apply when dying.)
Final Prominence |
ファイナル・プロミネンス "終末の業火" (2/6)
Inflicts Immolation damage equal to 550% of Attack on all enemies. When the hero dies, removes all effects, fully depletes the Ultimate Move Gauge, applies 2 Final Flame. (Survival from other Unique abilities or skills does not apply when dying.)
Final Prominence |
ファイナル・プロミネンス "終末の業火" (4/6)
Inflicts Immolation damage equal to 650% of Attack on all enemies. When the hero dies, removes all effects, fully depletes the Ultimate Move Gauge, applies 3 Final Flame. (Survival from other Unique abilities or skills does not apply when dying.)
Final Prominence |
ファイナル・プロミネンス "終末の業火" (6/6)
Inflicts Immolation damage equal to 750% of Attack on all enemies. When the hero dies, removes all effects, fully depletes the Ultimate Move Gauge, applies 4 Final Flame. (Survival from other Unique abilities or skills does not apply when dying.)
Multiplier: 50%
Immolation Multiplier: 0.2%
Final Flame Multiplier: 1/2/2/3/3/4
Immolation: 1.2% additional damage for evey percent of the hero's remaining HP. 1.2% additional damage for every percent of the hero's diminshed HP.
Final Flame: The hero's HP is fixed at 1, becoming immune to all effects. 1 Final Flame is removed when taking damage during the enemy's turn or when the hero uses a skill, and the hero dies after all Final Flame effects are removed.


Final Flame | 最後の炎
Applies Holy Flame on self at the start of the battle. Increases the hero's damage dealt by 15% after using a skill, up to 4 times. All of the hero's stats do not drop below their values at the start of the battle. When taking fatal damage, the hero's Attack-related stats increase by 30%. Holy Flame: Increases all stats by 4% with each passing turn for 5 turns.


Character Bonus

<The Dragon Sin of Wrath>

[Knight of Wrath]

[New Legend]

<The Boar Sin of Gluttony>
Crit Chance+19.2%

Crit Chance+19.2%

Crit Chance+19.2%

Misc. Info

Title & Name (JP)
アルティメット エスカノール
Gender Male
Blood Type AB
Age 40
Birthday 1 Jul
Height 320cm
Weight 355kg
Location Pub

Milk Caviar Canape

Raisins with Sugar