[Future of Liones]

Prince Tristan

Basic Info



Level 1 Base Stats
Combat Class/CP 4823
Attack 620
Defense 360
HP 7600
Pierce Rate 70%
Resistance 50%
Regeneration 5%
Crit Chance 50%
Crit Damage 160%
Crit Resistance 60%
Crit Defense 70%
Recovery Rate 100%
Lifesteal 0%

Misc. Info

Title & Name (JP)
王子 トリスタン
Gender Male
Blood Type AB
Age 10
Birthday 5/2
Height 140cm
Weight 30kg
CV Mikako Komatsu

Grilled Beef with Herbs


Quick Movement | 素早い動き
Rank 1 Inflicts damage equal to 200% of Attack on one enemy. Attack
Rank 2 Cancels Stances on one enemy and inflicts damage equal to 200% of Attack, then Stuns for 1 turn(s). Debuff
Rank 3 Cancels Stances on one enemy and inflicts damage equal to 250% of Attack, then Stuns for 2 turn(s). Debuff
Triumphant | 意気揚々
Rank 1 Apply 1 Solidify on one ally. If there are Debuffs, they are removed and 1 additional Solidify effect is applied. Buff
Rank 2 Apply 1 Solidify on all allies. If there are Debuffs, they are removed and 1 additional Solidify effect is applied. Buff
Rank 3 Apply 1 Solidify on one ally. If there are Debuffs, they are removed and an additional Solidify effect is applied for every Debuff removed. Buff
Punish the Bad Guys! |
悪党成敗!! (1/6)
Inflicts Secret Technique damage equal to 300% of Attack on all enemies and deals damage with attribute advantage regardless of attribute.
Multiplier: 30%
Secret Technique Multiplier: 8%


Contiued Volition | 引き継がれる意志
Increases Demon allies' Attack-related stats by 3% for each ally of Demon race in battle. Increases Goddess allies' Defense-related stats by 15% for each ally of Goddess race in battle.
