[Pride of Valhalla]

Valkyrie Megellda

Basic Info



Level 1 Base Stats
Combat Class/CP 4163
Attack 440
Defense 360
HP 6400
Pierce Rate 35%
Resistance 30%
Regeneration 5%
Crit Chance 50%
Crit Damage 150%
Crit Resistance 55%
Crit Defense 60%
Recovery Rate 120%
Lifesteal 10%


Falling Valkyrie | フォーリング・ワルキューレ
Rank 1 Inflicts damage equal to 120% of Attack on one enemy and depletes 1 Ultimate Move Gauge orb(s). Attack
Rank 2 Inflicts damage equal to 300% of Attack on one enemy and depletes 1 Ultimate Move Gauge orb(s). Attack
Rank 3 Inflicts damage equal to 450% of Attack on one enemy and depletes 3 Ultimate Move Gauge orb(s). Attack
Requiescat | レクイエスカット
Rank 1 Removes Debuffs from all allies. Buff
Rank 2 Apply 1 Solidify on all allies. If there are Debuffs, they are removed and 1 additional Solidify effect is applied. Buff
Rank 3 Apply 1 Solidify on one ally. If there are Debuffs, they are removed and an additional Solidify effect is applied for every Debuff removed. Buff
Blundering blow |
うっかり一撃 (1/6)
Inflicts Power Strike damage equal to 630% of Attack on one enemy.
Multiplier: 63%


Trust Me | 私を信じてぇ~
Increases allies' HP-related stats by 6% up to of 30%, and fills 1 Ultimate Move Gauges every time the hero uses a skill in Demonic Beast Battle. Allies who have had Debuffs removed from the hero's skill use recover 20%their Max HP.

Holy Relic

Valkyrie's Will
When the hero uses a Recovery Skill in Hraesvelgr's Demonic Beast Battle, removes 1 Debuff from allies, then applies effect on that hero which increases all stats by 8% for 5 turns, stacking up to 5 times. (Does not stack with Unique Ability)


Misc. Info

Title & Name (JP)
ワルキューレ メゲルダ
Gender Female
Blood Type AB
Age Unknown
Birthday 24 Jul
Height 155cm
Weight 34kg
Location Unknown

Honey Apple Pie