[Demon King's Deputy]

Executioner Zeldris

Basic Info



Level 1 Base Stats
Combat Class/CP 4420
Attack 560
Defense 350
HP 6900
Pierce Rate 70%
Resistance 45%
Regeneration 0%
Crit Chance 15%
Crit Damage 185%
Crit Resistance 40%
Crit Defense 65%
Recovery Rate 105%
Lifesteal 10%


Black Road | ブラック・ロード
Rank 1 Inflicts Cleave damage, which does not activate Crit Damage, equal to 200% of Attack on one enemy. Attack
Rank 2 Inflicts Cleave damage, which does not activate Crit Damage, equal to 300% of Attack on one enemy. Attack
Rank 3 Inflicts Cleave damage, which does not activate Crit Damage, equal to 500% of Attack on one enemy. Attack
Demonic Zone | デーモン・エリア
Rank 1 Applies an effect which depletes Ultimate Move Gauges by 1 orb(s) at the end of the enemy's turn on all enemies for 1 turn(s). Debuff
Rank 2 Applies an effect which depletes Ultimate Move Gauges by 2 orb(s) at the end of the enemy's turn on all enemies for 1 turn(s), then restricts the use of Ultimate Move(s). Debuff
Rank 3 Applies an effect which depletes Ultimate Move Gauges by 2 orb(s) at the end of the enemy's turn on all enemies for 2 turn(s), then restricts the use of Ultimate Move(s). Debuff
Dies irae |
ディエス・イレ "怒りの日" (1/6)
Decreases all enemies' HP-related stats by 5% for 2 turn(s) and inflicts damage equal to 630% of Attack on one enemy.
Multiplier: 63%
Debuff multiplier: 4%
At rank 5 and 6, debuff lasts for 3 turns


Scent of Death | 死の香り
Increases the allies' basic stats by 3% for every Debuff applied on all enemies. (Limit 8 time(s))


Commandment of Piety | 「敬神」の戒禁
If a Critical Strike occurs from skill use, decreases Crit Chance and Crit Damage of the target by 10%. (Applies to both allies and enemies when entering battle, excludes Death Match, stacks up to 3 time(s))

Holy Relic

Kvasir's Blade of Resentment
Decreases Debuffed enemies' Attack-related stats by 10% when using skills.


Misc. Info

Title & Name (JP)
処刑人 ゼルドリス
Gender Male
Blood Type A
Age 252
Birthday 5 Feb
Height 152cm
Weight 50kg
Location Unknown

Bread and Cheese with Pepper