[Twisted Darkness]

Berserk Estarossa

Basic Info



Level 1 Base Stats
Combat Class/CP 4034
Attack 560
Defense 380
HP 6700
Pierce Rate 40%
Resistance 25%
Regeneration 0%
Crit Chance 30%
Crit Damage 140%
Crit Resistance 50%
Crit Defense 20%
Recovery Rate 110%
Lifesteal 15%


Tentacle Balde | テンタクル・ブレイド
Rank 1 Inflicts Covert Action damage equal to 200% of Attack on one enemy. Attack
Rank 2 Inflicts Covert Action damage equal to 300% of Attack on one enemy. Attack
Rank 3 Inflicts Covert Action damage equal to 500% of Attack on one enemy. Attack
Frenzy | フレンジー
Rank 1 Inflicts Flood damage equal to 200% of Attack on one enemy. Attack
Rank 2 Inflicts Flood damage equal to 300% of Attack on one enemy. Attack
Rank 3 Inflicts Flood damage equal to 500% of Attack on one enemy. Attack
Evil Hound |
エビルハウンド "邪悪な猟犬" (1/6)
Decreases all enemies' Attack by 20% for 3 turn(s) and inflicts Resonance damage equal to 380% of Attack on all enemies.
Multiplier: 38%
Lv. 3~4: Decreases Defense by 20%
Lv. 5: Decreases basic stats by 20%
Max: Decreases basic stats by 30%
Resonance Multiplier: 5/10/15/20/30/40%


Rampaging Darkness | 暴走する闇
If an ally is a Demon or has a Commandment and inflicts damage on the enemy, applies Darkness on the target. If the target has 4 or Darkness, additionally applies Encroach for 1 turn. Increases allies' basic stats by 5% for every Darkness and Encroach effect on enemies, up to 10 times.


Commandment of Love, Truth and Reticence | 「慈愛」「真実」「沈黙」の戒禁
Remove 1 Buff applied to the hero when the hero uses a skill in PVP. (Applies to both allies and enemies when entering battle)

Holy Relic

Garmr's Claw | ガルムの爪
When enemies die due to the hero's skills, at the end of the turn, decreases Ultimate Move Gauge of all enemies by 1.


Misc. Info

Title & Name (JP)
暴走 エスタロッサ
Gender Male
Blood Type AB
Age 380
Birthday 4 Jan
Height 200cm
Weight 95kg
Location Unknown

Herb Grilled Beef

Salt Dragon Skewer