[Executor of Darkness]

Guardian Deity Camila

Basic Info



Level 1 Base Stats
Combat Class/CP 4080
Attack 520
Defense 350
HP 6800
Pierce Rate 30%
Resistance 40%
Regeneration 0%
Crit Chance 60%
Crit Damage 150%
Crit Resistance 20%
Crit Defense 20%
Recovery Rate 110%
Lifesteal 20 %


Dark Blade | ダーク・ブレイズ "暗黒の剣"
Rank 1 Inflicts damage equal to 200% of Attack on one enemy. Attack
Rank 2 Cancels Stances on one enemy and inflicts damage equal to 200% of Attack, then Stuns for 1 turn(s). Debuff
Rank 3 Cancels Stances on one enemy and inflicts damage equal to 250% of Attack, then Stuns for 2 turn(s). Debuff
Dark Crescent | ダーク・クレセント "暗黒の月"
Rank 1 Inflicts damage equal to 150% of Attack on all enemies. Attack
Rank 2 Inflicts damage equal to 150% of Attack on all enemies and Lifesteals 30% of the damage. Attack
Rank 3 Inflicts damage equal to 250% of Attack on all enemies and Lifesteals 30% of the damage. Attack
Emancipation |
イマンシペイション "解放" (1/6)
Transforms for 5 turn(s), removing Debuffs from Allies and Buffs from enemies, then decreasing enemy Max HP by 4% for each Buff removed for 3 turn(s).
Multiplier: 0.4%

Skills (Post-Transformation)

Rusty Nail | ラスティ・ネール "革命の刃"
Rank 1 Inflicts Charge damage equal to 200% of Attack on one enemy. Attack
Rank 2 Inflicts Charge damage equal to 300% of Attack on one enemy. Attack
Rank 3 Inflicts Charge damage equal to 500% of Attack on one enemy. Attack
Phantom Maze | ファントム・メイズ "幻影の迷路"
Rank 1 Inflicts Spike damage equal to 100% of Attack on all enemies. Attack
Rank 2 Inflicts Spike damage equal to 150% of Attack on all enemies. Attack
Rank 3 Inflicts Spike damage equal to 250% of Attack on all enemies. Attack
Shadow Trap |
シャドー・トラップ "無限打撃" (1/6)
Inflicts damage equal to 840% of Attack on one enemy.


Absolute Power | 絶対的な力
Increases HP-related stats by 5% when the hero takes damage during the enemy's turn. If there are 5 or more of this effect, removes the Buffs and Deletes 1 hero skill and completely fills the Ultimate Move Gauge.

Passive/Unique (Post-Transformation)

Guardian's Memory | 守護の記憶
Increases allies' Attack-related stats by 20%.


Character Bonus


<The Lion Sin of Pride>

Crit RES+24.6%

[Master Mind]
Crit RES+24.6%

Misc. Info

Title & Name (JP)
守護神 カミラ
Gender Female
Blood Type A
Age 5000+
Birthday 23 Aug
Height 170cm
Weight 55kg
Location West District


Milk Pudding